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How to Meditate in 60 Seconds or Less

Meditation is not called an art, it's called a practice. You don't need any special equipment. You don't have to sit, stand or recline in special positions or wear exotic clothing. You can do it anytime, anyplace anywhere. Walking, counting, breathing and observational meditations can be done at home, at work, in the grocery store or while waiting on hold on the phone. Once you start, don't get angry at yourself if it takes a few attempts before you figure it out. There is no right or wrong way to do these meditations. The hardest thing to remember is to meditate.


    • 1
      A Walk on the Beach Can Work Wonders

      Get a clock or watch with a second hand. Sit or stand or lie down but pay attention to the second hand and experience how long a minute actually is.

    • 2
      Keep your thoughts leased

      Count slowly from 30 backward to zero. Or count from zero to 60, but count by two's. Pay attention to the exercise you are doing. If your mind wanders, bring yourself back to the numbers and continue.

    • 3
      Walking up Stairs

      Walk around the room or go outside and walk around the block, Or walk up and down a flight of stairs. Walking is a quick, easy and healthy way to to practice your 60 second meditations, one step at a time. With each step, say the numbers either out loud, or in your mind's eye. Practice walking at a slower pace or speeding up.

    • 4
      How Angry Are You?

      Make a fist. . If you're angry at someone, imagine that person shrunk down into the palm of your hand, then squeeze your hand in a tight fist and focus all of your energy into your hand to pulverize the anger to dust. After a minute open your hand and blow the imaginary dust into the wind. Try it and you'll see what a minute of meditation can do for your disposition.

    • 5

      Remember to meditate. This is the hardest thing to do...even for only one minute. Once you commit this most important rule to memory, the rest is as easy as taking nine gentle breaths (that should take you about 60 seconds, too).

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