What Are the Causes of Postal Worker Stress?
Constant Surveillance
Postal workers feel they are consistently "under a microscope" with managers watching their every move, ready to find fault rather than praise them for a job well done. Workers are continually pushed to work faster, leading to errors that generate poor evaluations.
Poor Management
Length of service, rather than ability, is a criterion for promotion to management. The skills to manage workers often are lacking. An autocratic management style does not translate into postal worker job satisfaction. Postal workers also have low authority in decision making.
Work Environment
Mail sorting is done in a gray, industrial, windowless setting. Concentration is required, so there is little interaction with other employees during the process. Poor work conditions contribute to job stress.
Required Overtime
This is a two-edged sword. To cut expenses, overtime is given to avoid new hires. Postal employees begin to factor overtime income into their budgets and then stress over having no recreational time due to their overtime commitment.
Unmarketable Skills
Postal workers have somewhat unique assembly-line jobs that are generally well compensated due to union representation. However boring their job is, postal workers do not have the option of getting another job that would pay as well, since their skills do not translate well into other positions.
Unions and Management
Poor work is tolerated due to union backing, while management turns the other way to avoid change. On the other hand, there is little opportunity for self-development in postal workers, resulting in conflicts within the work force that generates stress.
Employee Profiles
The USPS is known for hiring both minorities and ex-military members, resulting in clashing socioeconomic backgrounds. Intolerance and prejudice lead to stress for all parties involved.
As email has been replacing "snail mail," the USPS has been forced to eliminate positions. This "early retirement" program has resulted in the loss of many seasoned, well-qualified managers. Many postal workers fear for their jobs.
Temporary Hires
There are two sides to this story. Management hires temps to avoid paying benefits to a full-time employee. Full-time employees lose overtime. Temps question whether they will ever become full-time employees. Stress and resentment build between all parties.
Health Issues
Chronic back pain and carpal tunnel are just two health issues that can result from doing the same tasks over and over. Workers stress over the toll the job takes.