How to Handle Personal Conflict
Things You'll Need
- Journal
- Pen
- Instrumental music
- MP3 player
- Counseling sessions
Write down your true feelings in a journal. Allow yourself to vent without using destructive language. Keep your journal stored safely away from prying eyes.
Download instrumental music to your MP3 player. Find a quiet park bench or backyard spot to enjoy the music by yourself. Spend some time in prayer or meditation while listening to some uplifting music.
Train yourself to respond to others rather than react. This is especially true if your personal conflict relates to someone you see frequently. Learn how to avoid being baited into an argument.
Abandon the desire to want to win. Winning an argument could cause you to lose a friend or a relationship. Be willing to give in occasionally for the greater good.
Show empathy by being an active listener. Engage in conversations with people who are attempting to engage you.
Become conscious of saying "I" and "me". Talking about yourself too much will draw your focus to yourself and your problem. Focus on others to cope with your personal conflicts.
Manage your emotional responses. Avoid making a scene or having a good cry in front of others. Ask yourself questions like "Why do I feel like crying?" or "What triggered the humiliation I just felt?" Use your journal to chronicle how you feel and your theories about triggers.
Seek counseling if you need an emotional outlet. Choose a licensed counselor who specializes in conflict resolution.