How to Develop Swagger
Things You'll Need
- Confidence
- Creativity
- Leadership Skills
Confidence is a must!!! You don't have to be the best athlete, or the most popular boy in school, but if you are brimming with confidence, people will gravitate towards you. Having confidence means you aren't scared to wear something totally different from what's popular, or approach someone of the opposite sex for example.
Be unique. Don't do what everybody else is doing. Instead, do your own thing and stay in your own lane. Don't pay any mind to what others are doing or what they may say about you. People get jealous of others who are doing things their own way or are different from the rest of the group.
Live life on your own terms. Speak you opinion boldly even when you aren't asked and act as if you could care less what anyone thinks about you. Stand up for what you believe in. This will definitely get you respect.
If you are given the ability to lead, don't be afraid to put your leadership skills to use. Do not settle for being a follower. Be a leader and help people out.
Be yourself. Don't adopt someone else's swagger. Resist the urge to put the mask on. Everyone is blessed with something that they can use to their advantage. You just have to find your own swagger and wear it proudly.
Lastly, find the one thing that makes you stand out from others and wear it like a badge of honor. This is what swagger is. It's the characteristics of each person that sets them apart from others. Don't be afraid to be unique and adopt your own swagger.