Benefits of Endorphins
Stress Relief
According to Kate Hartzell, a family nurse practitioner with Cabrillo College Health Services, laughter and exercise release beta-endorphins, which have a beneficial effect when under stress. Stress and anxiety cause health problems such as high blood pressure and suppress the immune system. The release of endorphins through exercise and laughter help remove that risk. Hartzell further recommends finding something that will encourage laughter during times of stress.
Relieving Depression
The causes of mood disorders such as depression are unknown, but according to the Ohio State University Medical Center, endorphins regulate positive mood. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin control the production of endorphins, which are the brain chemicals increased by antidepressants. Doctors recommend exercise as part of a treatment program for depression because exercise helps release endorphins, according to the Mayo Clinic. Both exercise and laughter release endorphins, which can improve mood and help individuals with mild to moderate depression.
Encourage Physical Activity
The positive feelings that come from endorphins may actually help encourage you to keep on exercising. Endorphins are not addictive, but it may be difficult to ignore the positive way exercise makes you feel. Physical activity and exercise are important facets of good health. Endorphins are a natural way to feel good and get healthy at the same time.
Pain Relief
According to the Columbia Encyclopedia, endorphins and morphine have similar properties for relieving pain. Patients dealing with chronic pain produce more endorphins; and morphine affects the opiate neuron receptors in the brain to reduce pain in the same manner that endorphins affect these pain receptors.
Appetite Suppressant
Endorphins may also have a positive effect on food cravings, especially carbohydrates. According to The Diet Channel, exercise that releases endorphins may satisfy the brain's need to create balance during times of stress. Such stressful times encourage overeating or cravings for unhealthy foods, which also release endorphins. Substituting exercise or other activities that release the same endorphins may help eliminate cravings for sugary or fatty foods.