What Is Body Scan Mindfulness?
Body Scan Mindfulness is a meditation technique from the Vipassana tradition in which attention is brought to each area of the body, starting with the tips of the toes and moving up to the top of the head.-
Find a quiet space where you can be undisturbed for a period of time; ideally at least 20 minutes. Wearing comfortable clothing, lie on your back, eyes open or closed.
The Body Scan
Direct your attention to your left toes and hold it so that your full attention is there. Successively move your attention to your left foot, left ankle, knee and so on.
The Body Scan (continued)
Allow your attention to cross over to your right side on down to your right toes. Continue in this way to settle your focus on each area of the body. Allow the breath to move in and out of each area as it is scanned.
What it Does
Focusing the attention on areas of the body allows us to be with what is and to accept it, even if it is uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable Feelings
An instinctive reaction to uncomfortable feelings or sensations is to resist them, which can intensify them by tensing muscles as well as reducing oxygen, the result of a shortened breath.