Palpatations Due to Anxiety
When you have a heart palpitation, it feels as if your heartbeat is rapid or fluttery. You may feel heart palpitations in your neck or chest. They can occur at any time.
In addition to anxiety, heart palpitations can be caused by exercise, stress, fear, smoking, alcohol, excess caffeine, anemia, heart problems, thyroid problems, certain medicines, premenstrual syndrome, lack of certain vitamins or minerals, or low blood sugar.
According to the Mayo Clinic, heart palpitations that are accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath, chest discomfort or pain, or fainting require immediate medical attention.
Heart palpitations brought on by normal levels of anxiety, and not as part of an anxiety disorder, require no medical or surgical treatment.
Tips for Coping with Anxiety
Ways to cope with your anxiety include getting regular exercise, decreasing the amount of caffeine and alcohol you consume, and getting adequate amounts of sleep.