What Are the Causes of Work Stress Change?
If a company has layoffs, the remaining employees have a tendency to become stressed out because they don't know if they will be next. A loss of employment can bring many problems and concerns.
New Responsibilities
Whenever people have new duties and responsibilities, there can be a change in their levels of stress. They become anxious because they don't know if they will be able to handle the new duties. Sometimes stress is increased when people have a fear of the unknown.
Conflict on the job can cause an increase in work stress. When people have conflicts with their co-workers, supervisor or customers, it can create an increase in the level of stress.
Long Hours
If someone is working too many hours and not receiving enough rest, their level of stress can increase significantly. When you are tired, you have a tendency to exaggerate the undesirable things that you are confronted with on a daily basis.
Stress is caused when people are overloaded at work. If there is a shortage of manpower, other employees often pick up the slack. Sometimes they have to do their own job in addition to the job of another employee. If this continues for an extended period, the level of stress can change.