Signs & Symptoms of Emotional Stress
Sleep Habits
Are you choosing to sleep more or less than your usual amount? Staying in bed and taking frequents naps throughout the day, as well as not being able to sleep more than a few hours, are signs of emotional stress. The resulting lack of sleep can lead to a loss of coordination and possible accidents during the workday.
Eating Habits
Have you changed your eating habits suddenly? Emotional stress is sometimes manifested through a need to over- or under-eat. Simply forgetting to eat three meals each day, or eating constantly without thought to what you're eating, are also signs of stress.
Temper Flares
Are you allowing minor situations or events to overly anger or upset you? Having a short temper or "short fuse," showing an inability to maintain a simple conversation without arguing, can both be symptoms of emotional stress.
Are you isolating yourself from friends, family, or other networks of support? Avoiding activities that you used to enjoy can be a symptom of emotional stress.
Bad Financial Decisions
Are you making any unnecessary purchases, or making other questionable financial decisions? Deciding to purchase extravagant amounts of unneeded household appliances, clothing, or other items could be a sign of emotional stress.
Body Aches
Are you tightening your shoulder muscles continuously throughout the day? Having aches and pains in the upper regions of the neck and back of the head are symptoms of stress. Consider visiting a psychologist or other mental health professional if the symptoms increase markedly within the space of a few days, as this can be a sign of clinical depression.
Substance Abuse
Have you picked up any self-destructive habits lately? Deciding to smoke cigarettes incessantly when you previously did not smoke may be a sign of emotional stress. If you are having thoughts of harming yourself through the use of illegal or controlled substances, seek immediate help or call 911 without delay.