Weight Gain & Stress
"Most people admit that when they're under stress, healthy eating habits can be difficult to maintain," according to MedicineNet.com. Pressure from school, work, family and other relationships can lead to high stress levels. Since stress has emerged as a main factor in weight gain, it is important to combat it. And stress is one thing largely within your control.
Stress can lead to weight gain in several different ways, according to the Washington Times. Many people tend to overeat so called "comfort foods" when stressed out. This usually includes high-calorie foods such as ice cream, pizza, candy and cake. Stress also releases certain chemicals within your body, such as the hormone cortisol, which promote weight gain. You also may gain weight due to a lack of sleep.
Time Frame
Weight gain brought on by stress can creep up on you over several months. MedicineNet.com states that one of the prime ways that stress can overwhelm you is when things happen too fast. Starting a new job, moving into a new home and beginning new friendships can overwhelm most people.
Stress is not responsible for every person's weight gain and is usually not the sole culprit. The Mayo Clinic reports that poor eating habits, lack of physical exercise and other unhealthy choices can lead to putting on the extra pounds. With a healthy lifestyle, even if a stressful situation presents itself, you will be able to combat weight issues before they begin to transform you into an unhealthy person.
The Mayo Clinic suggests ways to combat stress so it does not result in weight gain. Try to unwind at the end of each day. Get plenty of exercise, as often as you can, because it will keep you fit, provide you with something to do and help you relax. Do not eat for the sake of eating; try to distract yourself by doing something else. Try to buy only healthy foods, not ones that are your "comfort foods."