How to Identify Five Symptoms of Chronic Stress
Look for any signs of anxiety. The feelings of anxiety include worrying, nervousness, fear or apprehension. The symptoms exhibited by the sufferer include heart palpitations, nervousness, stomach problems and difficulty breathing.
Observe for tension headaches. These types of headaches are caused by the prolonged contraction of the muscles of the face, forehead, shoulders and neck.
Look for signs of insomnia. This sleeping disorder is characterized by difficulty initiating sleep or difficulty maintaining sleep. Chronic stress can cause prolonged sleep problems.
Observe for long-term diarrhea. Chronic stress can cause this digestive problem. Diarrhea is the movement of watery and loose stools and is often associated with abdominal pain, gassiness and bloating.
Observe for lack of appetite and loss of weight. These are common symptoms of chronic stress. The sufferer will usually eat less than usual over a period of time.