How to Not Be Forgetful
Relieve stress by exercising more often. Try to run or exercise during the same time everyday to be able to alleviate any mental stress. By staying physically fit, you'll be help your mental awareness, as well.
Eat better to help your memory. Eat snacks that have more protein, and try to reduce your normal intake of sugar. Eating berries helps with memory loss as they contain anthocyanins, which have anti-oxidants helpful for restoring cells in your brains. Eating nuts also helps to increase brain productivity since they contain alpha linolenic acid.
Keep a notebook with you and make a list every day of things you need to do for the day. You can also use an organizer or calender. Make sure that you have reminders for yourself. This is a simple step, but absolutely necessary in helping to remember tasks.
Have an area on a counter where you always keep your keys, wallet and other personal items that might sometimes be misplaced. It is also helpful to have a key holder by your front door that includes an insert for bills and documents. Try to organize other things, as well, by filing important documents you have. Having a clean and organized area will eventually help you to not be as forgetful.
See a doctor if your memory problems continue to worsen, becoming more severe. Besides dementia, memory loss could also be caused by depression or anxiety. Consult a doctor for solutions or medication for helping these problems and ultimately solving your problems with memory loss.