How to Stop Reminiscing
Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Realize that no one is perfect and that everyone has performed shameful actions. Reminiscing about a time before you "messed up your life" can cripple your motivation. This self-pity only serves to destroy your confidence and ability to overcome difficult situations. While it's acceptable to remember past mistakes, it's not wise to dwell on events that can't be changed. Freeing yourself from this extra baggage allows you to move forward with confidence.
Recognize your weaknesses without remaining stagnant. Understand that there's a drastic difference between identifying faults and embracing them as your only option. Working toward bettering yourself can eliminate the need to reminisce about the "old you." Focus your attention inward as you seek to understand your motivations and hidden potential. Find supportive friends as models of behavior to help keep you committed to a positive mindset.
Apologize to people you have wronged. Making amends for hurting others can end the need to reminisce about times when you had healthy relationships. Don't let pride or fear of rejection stop you from seeking the forgiveness you desire. Know that even if loved ones reject your advances, you tried your best to make up for your past behavior. This can allow you to concentrate on your future instead of clinging to hopes of reviving the past.
Get rid of items that evoke painful memories. Keeping a storage locker full of old belongings won't bring back past loved ones and situations. It can be painful to pass by objects that make you long to revisit the past. Scour your belongings to find and let go of emotionally charged items. Although it may be painful to throw away physical materials, it can benefit your emotional well-being to let things go.
Make a commitment to focus on your future. Although painful events can cause grief and sadness, understand that you can't stop living your life. While it may not be easy to "move on" from adversity, it's necessary in order to make the most of your life. Setting and accomplishing realistic goals can allow you to experience triumph. These victories can help you better appreciate your present life and potential.