How to trigger Your body's natural happy drug (endorphins)
Catch some rays: Natural sunlight triggers more endorphins. Even just the thought of a sunny day boosts your mood as opposed to a thought of a drab and rainy day.
Grab a piece of chocolate to prompt your endorphins. Chocolate acts like a drug when eaten it triggers the release of endorphins. When you feel stress, just eating a piece of chocolate will give you a good feeling. Just a small piece is enough. Now you don't have to worry about gaining weight and can be happier too.
Eat spicy food like chili peppers. The spicier the food the more endorphins your body will release.
Exercise is another great way to activate the happy drug. Have you ever noticed how runners seem to be addicted to running? The cause of this high is the amount of endorphins that are released when you work out. You not only feel good you will look good too.
Meditation is another effective way to trigger your endorphins. People have reported feeling of bliss through the practice of meditation.