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What Is the Meaning of an Adrenaline Rush?

An adrenaline rush can happen in a variety of situations, such as being chased by a bear in the woods or taking a biology final. An adrenaline rush is the body's natural reaction to a threat. It is a physiological process that prepares the body for battle or escape, often called the "fight or flight" reaction. It's what helped early humans survive the dangers in their environment. Though we rarely find ourselves in situations where we have to ward off a mountain lion or run from a herd of charging buffalo, the adrenaline rush still happens in modern times of stress.
  1. Definition

    • Adrenaline is another name for epinephrine, the substance that is secreted by the adrenal gland. The adrenal gland is located right above the kidney.

    Physical Effects

    • When adrenaline is released into the blood system, it goes to work to make some changes in the way the body is functioning. The heart begins to pump harder, and blood pressure goes up. Airways in the lungs open up while blood vessels in the skin and intestines narrow. This causes blood to flow away from these organs and flow into major muscle groups. The body is preparing the muscles so that they may fight or have the energy to run away.

    Rational Thinking

    • The fight-or-flight response brought on by an adrenaline rush is not easily controlled by your rational mind. You may be able to logically understand that taking a biology test cannot kill you or physically harm you. However, the response from your adrenal gland bypasses any form of rational thought.

    Chronic Stress

    • Some complications can occur with excess adrenaline. People who experience chronic stress and anxiety disorders can incorrectly perceive a threat from their environment. They may worry about something simple like being late to a meeting or something complicated like a relationship with a spouse. Either way, the body doesn't differentiate the threat of bodily harm from the threat of stress from emotions. It reacts in the same way, causing symptoms of panic and anxiety. This can become a source of severe distress for some people.

    Thrill Seekers

    • An adrenaline rush is not always a negative experience. Many people relate an adrenaline rush to extreme sports and adventures. Someone might say that they love roller coasters because of the adrenaline rush. The excitement of these kinds of activities results in the same bodily response as threatening situations. When a person knows he is not in harm, the fluttery feeling in his chest and accelerated heartbeat can be fun and exciting.

    Medical Uses

    • Through research, scientists have discovered many uses for epinephrine. They've extracted epinephrine from animals and studied it, which resulted in the creation of synthetic epinephrine. This synthetic hormone can be used in medical emergencies like heart attacks, shock, asthma and even glaucoma.

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