Adrenal Fatigue Stress Syndrome
Adrenal Glands
Adrenal Fatigue Stress Syndrome affects individuals when the adrenal glands cease to function at the appropriate level.
Individuals experiencing Adrenal Fatigue Stress Syndrome feel tired for seemingly no reason. They seem to need caffeine and snacks in order to "make it through the day." They feel stressed, worn out and have difficulty rising in the morning.
Likely Candidates
People who undergo a great deal of stress on a regular basis are the most likely to have Adrenal Fatigue Stress Syndrome. They experience physical, mental and emotional stress regularly. Dr. Wilson estimates that 80 percent of the population of industrialized nations has been affected by this syndrome.
Adrenal Fatigue Stress Syndrome can result in a higher likelihood of obesity. Those who have it have immune systems that have difficulty functioning adequately. This leads to a multitude of different physical ailments.
Recovery from Adrenal Fatigue Stress Syndrome is dependent upon converting to a healthier, more balanced way of life. This includes a nutritious diet, a regular exercise regimen and a focus on practicing stress reduction techniques in everyday life.