Main Causes of Stress
Everyday Life
The small annoyances of everyday life, such as traffic congestion, long lines, a forgotten wallet or keys, and other mishaps can add up and result in a significant amount of stress.
If you or a close family member that you live with or care for has a serious health condition such as cancer or dementia, you may experience both physical and psychological stress.
Competition, long hours, a demanding boss, inconsiderate coworkers, low pay, and menial or excessively difficult tasks at work are some of the main causes of emotional stress in working adults.
Money problems are a source of stress for many individuals and serious financial situations such as loss of your job or bankruptcy may cause clinical depression and anxiety disorders.
Although you may love your family, they may cause a considerable amount of stress from disobeying rules, disrespect, guilt, and pressure to conform with certain family values and expected obligations.
Environmental Conditions
If you live in an unsafe neighborhood, have frequent disruptions from loud noise or if your home is in poor condition, these environmental conditions may cause you to experience chronic stress and may contribute to other problems such as sleep disorders.