Causes of Stress Among Teens
Stress Defined
Stress is the body's way of reacting to events. The nervous system and certain hormones are activated. Breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and metabolism speed up. This stress response, when it fails to turn off, can cause problems: the immune system can weaken, and a sense of feeling totally worn out or being overwhelmed can occur.
School demands and high expectations are major stressors. Being overscheduled in extracurricular activities is another. Problems with friends or a breakup with a boyfriend can be catastrophic. The family's financial situation may change for the worse. Divorce, illness or death of a family member are additional factors that can turn a teen's world upside down.
Eating regularly rather than on the run helps. Avoiding excess caffeine is good. An exercise program is a definite stress buster. Just learning to take a deep breath helps the brain think more clearly. Positive self-talk is good. Assertiveness training can help a teen learn how to politely say what he needs to say. Having a hobby is a great way to relax.
Consider setbacks and change as a normal part of life. Build strong relationships both inside and outside the family; these relationships can be a safety net when needed. Believe in yourself and talk positively about your endeavors to yourself. Lastly, ask for help when you need it.
Teens don't necessarily want you to come up with a solution to their problem--the most important thing you can do is listen. Don't minimize what they are struggling with. Remember that to them it is big, so just listen. They will, in their way, let you know what they need from you.