How to Enhance Memory
You may not be able to completely erase stress from your everyday life; however, if you can control your worries and fears, you help your brain. According to WebMD, stress increases the body’s release of cortisol, a hormone that can impair your brain’s ability to store and retrieve information. Take time to enjoy relaxing hobbies, such as gardening, yoga or even meditation. Also remember to get enough sleep at night, as fatigue can impair memory and contribute to your stress levels.
Certain foods may enhance your memory. This list includes a variety of berries, including blueberries or strawberries; the antioxidants in these fruits can slow memory loss as you age. If plain fruit doesn’t appeal to you, experiment with smoothie recipes or bake blueberry muffins. In addition, many types of leafy vegetables and sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, will also boost your brain power. Cut down on alcoholic drinks. Over-consumption of alcohol is a well-known cause of memory problems.
Obesity comes with a number of health risks, including dementia. Plaque in the bloodstream can hinder the body's ability to pump blood to the brain, denying the brain its necessary flow of oxygen and other nutrients. Exercise daily to manage your weight and protect your cognitive functions. Even simple exercises, such as taking a stroll through the park, can improve circulation and help you maintain a healthy body. As a bonus, exercise is also stress-reliever, so it’ll contribute to your mental health in more ways than one.
Mental Workout
Give your brain a workout. Challenge yourself mentally by completing puzzles and reading unfamiliar material can enhance your brain's overall performance. Make an attempt to learn something new each day, such as new dance steps or a new recipe. This type of self-improvement will also count toward a mental workout. Even socializing can enhance your memory; for example, completing some sort of analytical debate will offer your brain a challenge, while engaging in friendly and playful banter will decrease your stress level.