What is the Function of a Support Group?
Providing Support From Others
The most important function of a good support group is to provide the opportunity to connect and share with others who are dealing with the same circumstances. It can help to talk or just listen to others who are also trying to find ways to cope. Since they are dealing with similar circumstances, they can really understand what you are living with.
Developing Coping Skills
Support groups are not designed to replace medical or professional counseling. However, sometimes just telling your story will encourage other members to offer coping skills. There may be someone in your group who has learned an effective technique to deal with similar circumstances.
Finding Unique Friendships
Another important function of a support group is the exchange of phone numbers among members who are interested in doing so. It is not a requirement of being in a support group. However, you may find it helpful to be able to call someone who understands, to help you through a crisis. Members can often do so without offering unsolicited advice.
Connecting You with Resources
Support group leaders often have access to local resources. Many support groups periodically invite speakers to address the group on local services that are available and helpful.
Getting Started
There are no general national or state agencies that list all types of support groups since there are so many different kinds. Look through the calendar listing of your local paper to see what support groups are located in your area. Check local hospitals or web pages dedicated to the specific condition or situation you are dealing with.