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How to Stop Worrying Naturally

Follow these simple steps to stop worrying naturally.

Things You'll Need

  • A box
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      Stop worrying naturally with this acupressure exercise. Press on the fleshy part of your hand right next to the bottom of your thumb. Hold for 30 seconds. This acupressure point releases energy and increase circulation which will make worry subside in moments.

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      Run warm water over your wrists for 30 seconds to stop worrying naturally. The warm water on your wrists helps your heart to slow down and make you feel calm.

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      Stop worrying naturally by taking 20 minutes for yourself each day to just relax and do nothing. Schedule your stop worrying appointment with yourself at the same time each day.

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      Run your fingers over smooth beads and soon you'll be worry free. Research shows that people who do this at least once a day reduce their worries significantly.

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      Get a worry box. Make a list of things you are worrying about each day. Make sure to number them. Then put the list into the worry box. One you close the lid, your worries are out of your mind and trapped in the box. Later when each of your worries have gone, write the outcome out next to each worry. Soon you'll see how things have a way of working out.

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      Taking care of yourself through proper diet and exercise will diminish worrying naturally. When you are feeling your best physically, your worries are not able to bring you down as much.

      Check out more ways to reduce worry by clicking the links in the resource section below.

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