Define Self Confidence
Self-confidence is a term that is used to describe how secure a person is in his decisions, actions and abilities. It describes the amount of faith a person has in himself. Self-confidence reflects how a person views himself. A person's level of confidence is often apparent in every aspect of his being. Confidence shows in a person's speech, body language and mannerisms.
Lack of confidence
People who lack confidence may be shy and quiet, although this isn't always the case. Those with little confidence may pass up opportunities because they assume they wouldn't stand a chance competing against others. They doubt themselves and their abilities. They don't have enough confidence to even try. They fear rejection and failure. These people often don't achieve their potential in life simply because they have already viewed themselves as failures. When people lack self-confidence they are overly preoccupied with what others think. They need to build confidence and take charge of their lives, although it is not easy for someone who suffers from low self-esteem.
Confidence is a necessary component in reaching our goals but over-confidence can be interpreted in negative ways. Simply stated, over-confidence is confidence that is unwarranted. For example, a person may be very confident in an area that he actually has little knowledge and expertise. Over-confidence can be projected as an inflated ego. A person may appear egotistical, arrogant and somewhat of a braggart. Over-confidence may also be a smokescreen for lack of confidence. People often try to build their own confidence by tearing others down. In this way, they feel better about themselves. It doesn't mean that they are bad people; it simply means that they don't know how to build their own level of confidence.
Self-confidence is an attitude. It is about how you view yourself, not how others view you. A confident person is comfortable with the person he is. He knows he is not perfect and he doesn't try to act perfect. He accepts himself as he is, along with his imperfections. He is confident enough to admit his mistakes. He can laugh at himself. A confident person can accept rejection and criticism, and learn from them rather than taking them personally and wallowing in self-pity. A confident person believes in himself and his abilities, yet he knows there is always room for improvement and therefore continually strives to improve.
Positive Outlook
A confident person has a positive outlook. He doesn't dwell on his failures. If he doesn't get a promotion, he views it not as a loss but as an opportunity for something better. Confident people often do get what they want because self-confidence is an important element in accomplishing their goals and manifesting their desires. They know that self-confidence is an ingredient in the recipe for success.
A confident person likes himself. If you don't like yourself, how can you expect others to like you? Confident people also respect themselves. Anyone can develop self-confidence but it can take time, especially if you are steeped in negativity. People aren't born with self-confidence. They learn to put fear and doubt aside and to trust their own instincts. They trust their abilities and choose to react positively rather than negatively. Self-confidence hears the voice of doubt but chooses not to listen to it.