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How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Your Everyday Life

Despite your best intentions, does stress and anxiety play a role in your everyday life? Are you literally worrying yourself sick over the small things? STOP! Stress and anxiety can weaken your immune system and make you more vulnerable to illness. Read below for tips and tricks on how to reduce stress and anxiety.


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      Cut back on sugar and caffeine. Too much sugar and/or caffeine can make you restless and jittery.

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      Hit the gym. Twenty to thirty minutes of daily exercise can stimulate endorphins and help you overcome stress.

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      Learn yoga. Yoga can help settle your mind, body and spirit.

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      Pamper yourself. Take a deep breath and immerse yourself in a long, luxurious, candlelit, bubble bath.

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      Find a hobby and spend time doing something you enjoy.

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      Keep a "happy" journal with all your happy thoughts and memories that you can pull out and look at when you are feeling down.

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      Avoid grumpy people. Stress and anxiety can be contagious.

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