How to Find Personal Peace
Write what you're grateful for. Some of you may be thinking that you don't have time for this, but 5 minutes is all it takes, and its rewards are tremendous. This is best done in the morning before your day even begins. When you make a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life, from the food in your refrigerator to your good health, your spirits will lift. It will feel as if a large weight has been removed from your shoulders as you realize how much you have to be thankful for.
Make time for yourself. Regardless of who needs you or how many demands are placed on your time, you need to make time for yourself every single day. Even if it's only for a half an hour, make that escape and do whatever it is that will relax you. Meditate, dance, sing, or just sit in a dark room all by yourself. We all need that unwind time, that magical time when we can be left to our own devices and let the effects of the day fly out the window. Without this time, we are empty, miserable shells of all that we do for others.
Go for a walk. Walks are great, especially in the fall when the air is crisp and fresh, and the leaves are in the midst of their color change. There is absolutely nothing more peaceful than soaking in all that nature has to offer and making yourself a part of it. Every time you breathe in, think of positive things and when you exhale, imagine the negative feelings leaving your body. This is a great exercise and really aids in bringing about personal peace if you give it a chance.
Communicate. If there is someone in your life that you are harboring any feelings of ill-will against, the best thing you can do for yourself and for your achievement of personal peace is to resolve unsettled issues. Buried feelings of anger or resentment toward another person are very much like a disease; they will eat away at you until they kill you. While the truth might hurt, not talking about how you truly feel will only keep you from the inner peace you deserve.