What is Conflict?
Conflict occurs between two or more people who disagree on an issue that threatens their respective goals, values or needs. How the participants in a disagreement perceive this threat determines to a great extent how heated the conflict can become. With only so many resources and opportunities available within any social setting, it's not uncommon for conflicts to arise. On the contrary, when handled effectively conflict can lead to personal growth and create the change needed to improve interpersonal relations overall.
The ultimate root of conflict happens when you perceive something or someone as a threat to some area of your well being. Threats typically trigger emotional or psychological responses. When this happens your ability to view and approach the situation in an objective manner is hampered. This, in turn, makes it seem like there's a limited number of solutions to a particular problem. Once perspective is hampered by emotion, communication becomes difficult.
Focusing on each party's vested interests, rather than the perceived threats is a more effective way of handling conflict. This approach creates an environment in which both party's needs can be expressed. The shifting of focus works to reduce the emotional drive to protect your interests. The interaction then becomes a solution-based exchange where emotional factors can be expressed and addressed.
As with all things emotional, the ingredients for conflict can be present long before an actual altercation takes place. The ability to identify and address conflict at an early stage reduces the likelihood of escalation. To do this, it helps to understand how people are apt to communicate (or not communicate) their concerns.
One theory holds that individuals typically fall into one of the four basic personality temperaments: choleric--these are bold, direct communicators who can be intimidating, but are open to change; phlegmatic--these are fact-driven types who dislike conflict, and change; sanguine--these types welcome conflict for the expression and exchange of ideas. They see change as an adventure and melancholic--these types are all about the status quo. They don't like to rock the boat. They don't like change.
Conflict, whether expressed or not, invokes change. Whether the change is positive or negative depends on how the situation is handled. Those who fall under a personality type that's uncomfortable with change benefit most from an exchange that allows for the expression of vested interests and needs. Understanding the reasons for a conflict and the need for change is essential to moving the process of conflict resolution along.
Conflict can take many different forms. Being able to identity the type of conflict brewing, or in play helps with the resolution process. There are five types to consider.
1. Structural: these are caused by external forces such as occur within an organization--work loads, availability of resources, time constraints. Structural conflicts require structural solutions.
2. Data: these have to do with the information processes in place within the organization. Disagreements over data can be caused by the process itself or misunderstandings on how the process should work. Changes in the process, or a thorough explanation on how it works is the solution approach needed.
3. Values: these are based on individual belief systems and are the hardest to resolve. The best approach here is to encourage an understanding and respect of each others values.
4. Relationship: these typically center around conflicting personality issues which lead to negative behaviors. Sometimes resolution can be reached through understanding each other's reasons for disagreement depending on how ingrained said issues are. Boundary setting in terms of establishing a cordial respect for those involved may be all that's possible in this instance.
5. Interests: these happen as result of perceived threats to one's goals, or needs. Emotional and psychological factors may be present on both sides. A solution-based approach that addresses each party's interests, desired outcomes and positive intentions can reduce the likelihood of perceived threats dictating the resolution process.
One popular theory on why conflict exists was proposed by Karl Marx, a German theorist and political activist of the 19th century. Marx attributed the basis of conflict to materialism, in that norms established in the marketplace (the world of work) dictate our individual class associations, and interests therein. He theorized that the resulting set of class consciousnesses, representing different socioeconomic levels and interests, leads to the inevitable conflicts that we face from day to day.
According to Marx, the individual's sense of a class consciousness was necessary for constructive change to happen. He viewed society's power holders as opposed to the notion of class consciousness as a means to maintain their positions. Instead, power holders promoted the notion of individual consciousness as a way to weaken the impact of mass, or class, conflicts. Many of today's economists and sociologists view Marx's theory to be a prevailing force within modern day society.
As stressful as conflict can become at times, there are genuine benefits to resolving it that would otherwise not present themselves if it didn't arise. Benefits can come in the form of personal growth, stronger relationship bonds, increased productivity and an overall boost in morale. The occurrence of conflict opens up areas that would otherwise find little, to no motivation for growth and change.
Examples of the benefits to effective resolution can be found in all areas of society. Conflicts occurring on the international level have led to numerous trade relation agreements across the globe as well as peace treaties invoked by countries with opposing interests. In the areas of business, strategies and approaches have increasingly favored the "win-win" perspective in business negotiations. As far as personal relationships go, the ability to address concerns and interests makes for long-term bonds that strengthen over time.