How to Cure Adrenal Fatigue
Limit stress in your life and learn how to relax. Stress is unavoidable. However, there are ways to limit stressful situations. For example, if your employment triggers adrenal fatigue, consider looking for another job. Additionally, excessive worrying can lead to unnecessary stress and result in adrenal fatigue. Likewise, find ways to cope with stress and unwind mentally.
Sleep at least 8 hours a night. Adrenal fatigue is linked to lack of rest. When our bodies don’t receive adequate sleep and rest, this causes our adrenal gland to work overtime. On the other hand, if you get a good night’s sleep, the adrenal gland can regenerate and prepare for the next day.
Drink less coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks. Some people need coffee or sodas to get through the day. Caffeine is a stimulant and provides a boost of energy. Unfortunately, caffeine can also disrupt sleep and interfere with the adrenal glands ability to function property.
Develop a workout schedule. Exercise is a stress-buster. Ironically, physical activity can help people who deal with adrenal fatigue. Regular workouts increase blood flow and give the body natural energy.
Maintain healthy eating habits. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can trigger adrenal fatigue. Even if you aren’t hungry in the mornings, it’s vital to grab a quick morning snack. This helps stabilize your blood sugar, wherein you avoid feeling lightheaded, weak or dizzy.