How to Cope With Anxiety Naturally
Take a deep breath and try these...
Sit back and relax with a cup of chamomile or lavender tea. Whether you find yourself with an overwhelming workload at the office or a busy day at home, a hot cup of tea is a friendly reminder that you don't need to let your stress get the best of you. Chamomile is a natural mild muscle relaxant and sedative while lavender has soothing effects.
Yoga is a wonderful way to get centered, and shows you that your mind will follow your body. Find a local yoga studio and take the class that best suits you. When the class is over, you will undoubtedly find yourself breathing easier and feeling more relaxed than when you went in.
While meditation might not be for everyone, it's definitely worth giving a shot. Sit either with your legs crossed or on a chair, and rest your palms face down on your knees. Whichever position you choose, make sure that your spine is straight and perpendicular to the ground. Close your eyes, take slow, even breaths and simply focus on one thing (the sound of your breath, music or a positive idea). Thinking excessively is a main cause of anxiety, so slow down the whir of thoughts, even if it's only for 10 minutes.
L-Theanine is a supplement that you can order online or find in some health and drugstores. It is an amino acid that is found in tea and has actually been shown to increase the production of alpha waves in your brain. Alpha waves are seen in the brain during meditation and is indicative of a state that is both deeply relaxed yet extremely alert. This means that it will chill you out without making you groggy and tired. What a deal!
For when you're really stressed out and just want to force yourself to relax, you should try kava. Kava is a natural plant that can be prepared as a tea, a tincture or can be taken in capsule form. It is a muscle relaxant and sedative, and it can also produce a state of euphoria. So when you're feeling especially anxious, this might be the remedy to reach for.
Don't think that you have to carry the entire world on your shoulders all the time. When we don't take time out for ourselves, our lives start to fall out of balance and things begin crashing down. You can't be efficient and take care of everything all the time. Schedule some time into your day or week to do something that makes you happy, whether it be taking a walk in the park, arranging flowers or indulging in a long bubble bath.