How to Get Over Brain Freeze
Make a list of stressful issues. Stress often has many causes and getting to the root of those stressful elements of life can break the mental logjam and get thoughts flowing more freely.
Relax the brain with simple meditation. Meditation does not require elaborate training. Simply relax your body and slow your breathing. Let your thoughts disappear one by one until your mind is blank. This should begin to thaw that brain freeze.
Take your mind off your worries by going to a movie or watching some television. Activities with reduced thought requirements can crack open the thought process once again.
Read a motivational book. There are thousands of self-help books and interesting biographies. Many great philosophers and accomplished people have written books that can help you get beyond the frozen moment and begin thinking clearly and making well thought-out decisions.
Get some sleep. Sleep is one of the best ways to recharge the body and mind. While asleep, our subconscious minds work through issues that are keeping our conscious mind blocked.