How to Relieve Stress in a Child
Things You'll Need
- Your Child
- Keen sense of awareness
- Patience and understanding
- A little imagination
Stressful Situations
Talk to your child about doctor or dentist visits. Be completely honest. Doctor visits can be very stressful for a child, especially when they do not know what to expect. Telling the child what the doctor is going to do, and why it is being done, can help take away some of the fear.
Channel nervous energy into productive ideas when the first day of school approaches. Many children are excited about the new school year. However, starting school each year can be a stressful situation for any child. There are creative ways to make the first day easier. Having a back-to-school party is a simple way of showing your child that everyone is feeling the same way. Invite kids in the neighborhood for a cook-out and play games such as 'Draw the favorite teacher'. As the kids talk to each other, they will come up with their own ideas of how to deal with first day jitters.
Listen to what your child says about his life. Certain friends or activities can add to the stress of a child's life. Peer pressure is very strong. A child can be under pressure to experiment with drugs or alcohol. Kids who smoke may be pressuring your kids to try it. The best thing to do is let your kids know it is okay to talk to you. An open door policy is the best one to have. It is better to have your child call you at 3 a.m. and ask you to come get him rather than getting a call from the state highway patrol. If you let your kids know they can talk to you, there will be fewer surprises as they get older. This should not be mistaken for being your child's friend. They have lots of friends. They need parents to guide them.
Watch for symptoms of stress. A child will exhibit the same behaviors as an adult. You may think they are acting up when they really are just scared or stressed about a situation. Nail biting, outbursts of anger, or pouting are all signs that your child may be suffering from stress.A great stress reliever for many children is baking bread. The pounding and kneading of the dough can relieve many symptoms of stress. This is an activity that works for any age child. It is fun to let the kids make flavored breads, like cinnamon raisin or herb bread. You get to spend time with the kids and get homemade breads as a bonus.
Teach your children that people make mistakes. One issue children always deal with is the stress of living up to others expectations. A child who knows that mistakes happen is less likely to be stressed over tests at school or other situations; however, it is also important to encourage the child to do his best. Tell your children how proud you are of them. This goes a long way in a child's mind. Pointing out the good job they did will make the child strive to continue doing well.