How to Find 10 Ways to Start Over
Things You'll Need
- Pencil
- Paper
Finding 10 Ways to Start Over
Realize that a change needs to take place. This may mean coming to terms with the fact that something that once worked is no longer working or that a course of action taken is not going to yield the benefits once envisioned. Recognition that a change must occur is the first step toward starting over.
Assess what went wrong. Using paper and pencil, make a list of what has occurred up to this point, and why the actions taken have proven to not be successful. Understanding what didn’t work and why it did not work can often help bring to mind some ideas for how to plot a new course and obtain more desirable results.
Ask for feedback. Once you have some ideas of what is not working, seek out a few trusted individuals and get their assessments on the situation. There is every possibility they will present something that did not occur to you, and in fact will prove helpful in plotting a new course of action.
Lose the fear of change. While many of us are creatures of habit, it is not necessarily the case that something new has to be frightening. Often, starting over does mean leaving behind something that is a known quantity and risking the acquisition of a new quantity that is initially unproven. But keep in mind if what has gone before was not working, maintaining the status quo is much more likely to lead to frightening results than trying something new.
Think outside the box. This is often hard to do for many people, simply because it means moving outside familiar territory. Look to other cultures, others ways of doing things that might be able to translate into your given situation. You may be surprised at the options that appear if you can just be open to looking at things in a new way.
Begin to implement small changes that will alter the course of events. If you and your life partner have begun to move in different directions, but you want to salvage the relationship, then identify a couple of simple things that appeal to both parties and are conducive to creating enjoyable time together. If a work project is sinking like a stone, suggest a few minor changes in procedure or process that could help to begin moving the project in a direction that will bring it back in line with the original purpose.
Evaluate the small changes. If they do seem to be making a positive impact, continue with them and possibly enhance them with a few more minor changes. Moving in a new direction in small steps provides the advantage of easing out the old while incrementally bringing in the new, something that many people can deal with much easier than abrupt change.
Realize that you may not always be in control of the rate of change and that is okay. For example, your employer may downsize and you are now out of a job. You did not implement the change, but nevertheless change is now necessary. Instead of dwelling on how the change was foisted on you, see this as an opportunity to take control of these new circumstances and find gainful employment that will allow you the chance to shine.
Be flexible when starting over. While it may be okay to bring along some elements from your old circumstances, you may be surprised on what needs to be jettisoned as you make the transition from the old to the new. As much as possible, be open to rearranging or even losing elements that on the surface seem to have nothing to do with starting over.
Give yourself the gift of time. Starting over rarely happens overnight. There may be a number of loose ends to tie up, and a list of tasks that must be addressed before you are free to move ahead with the change. Keep in mind as long as you are laying the groundwork for starting over and making a little progress each day, things will get better and better.