How to Do a Side Lunge Reach Exercise
How to Do a Side Lunge Reach Exercise
Stand tall and straight, your right arm extended directly above your right shoulder, a dumbbell gripped in your right hand. Keeping your left thigh straight, lift your left leg under the knee so that your toes are several inches off of the ground, pointed down. You should be completely balanced on your right leg. Your left arms should hang loosely at your side. This is your starting position.
Lunge to the left side with your left foot, so that your left thigh is parallel to the ground, your left knee directly over your left ankle. Your right heel should be off of the ground. As you perform this lunge, reach your right hand (with the dumbbell) down to your left ankle. Hold this position for two seconds.
Press into your left foot and, at the same time, raise the dumbbell back across your body, until you have completely returned to the starting position.
Perform three sets of 10 reps.
Switch sides, now lunging with your right leg and holding the dumbbell in your left hand.
Perform three sets of 10 reps.