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How to Make a Tinfoil Doll

Looking for a new craft idea for you and your child? A tinfoil doll might be just the thing. Here's how it's done.

Things You'll Need

  • Tinfoil
  • Wire
  • Beads
  • Glue
  • Red nail polish
  • Colored construction paper
  • Tape
  • Ribbon
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  1. How to Make a Tinfoil Doll

    • 1

      Crush one piece of tinfoil into a fairly compact ball that is roughly the size and shape of an orange. This is your doll's body.

    • 2

      Crush another piece of tinfoil into a ball measuring about half the size of the doll's body. This is your doll's head.

    • 3

      Make twenty more tinfoil balls, each about the size of a grape. Eight of them will serve as arms (four for each arm), ten of them will serve as legs (five for each leg), and two of them, crushed flat, will serve as the doll's feet.

    • 4

      Run the wire through the tinfoil to string the doll together.

    • 5

      Press your finger into the head where the eyes should be, making two impressions. Add a spot of glue in each impression, then press a bead into each eye. Allow it to dry.

    • 6

      Using red nail polish, paint a mouth in the appropriate place. To complete the head, twist some colored construction paper into a cone, then tape it in place and glue it to the top of the doll's head, forming a coned cap.

    • 7

      Tie a piece of ribbon around the doll's neck to form a scarf.

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