How to Do the Triceps Kickback Exercise
Things You'll Need
- Dumbbell
Put your left leg forward, with your thigh as parallel to the floor as possible. Your left knee should align squarely with your ankle. Extend your right leg behind you, keeping it straight. Turn your right foot out an inch or two.
Bend forward at the hips until your left hand is resting on your thigh, just above your knee (though don’t lean on this arm at all). Position the upper half of your right arm parallel to the floor, and let the bottom half, including your right hand clutching the dumbbell, hang straight down. This is your starting position. Inhale.
Exhale. As you do so, push the dumbbell behind you, keeping the upper half of your right arm parallel to the floor with your elbow pressed against your body.
Hold the dumbbell in place, your arm almost completely extended, for 2 seconds.
Slowly bend your right arm back to its starting position, inhaling.
For a complete exercise, do 2 or 3 sets of 10 reps. Repeat with your left arm. Over time, gradually increase the dumbbell weight.