How to Make a Motivation Board
Things You'll Need
- 1 cork board, approximately 1 ft by 1 ft
- 1 yard of fabric
- A large stack of magazines
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 pack multi-colored construction paper
- 1 pack markers
- 1 notebook
- 1 ink pen
Cover the cork board with the fabric that you have chosen to be the background to your motivation board. Pull the fabric tight across the front of the motivation board. Staple the fabric to the back of the board to keep it in place. Remove the excess fabric.
Write down all of the goals that you have in a notebook. No goal is too large or too small to be considered for a motivation board. Dedicate at least 30 minutes to this step.
Choose four to five goals from the list that you made to be used on your motivation board. You will want to choose some long and some short term goals to use on your motivation board. This mixture of goals will help to keep you motivated.
Go through the stack of magazines and find one to two pictures that represents each goal. Cut these pictures out for your motivation board. A great example of this is if one of your goals is to buy a house, then find a picture of a house that you like.
Use the markers on the construction paper to write a description of each goal for the motivation board. Also write some inspirational phrases. Some great phrases to use are, "If you believe, you can achieve" and, "You can do anything if you put your mind to it." Cut each of these writings out for the motivational board. Vary the colors of the construction paper that you use.
Scatter the pictures and phrases all around the motivational board. Staple these items to keep them in place.
Hang your new motivational board in a place where you will see it everyday.