How to Remove all Tension From the Body
Be sure to follow the foundation of maintaining good health, like eating whole foods and avoiding sugar and junk food. If you are mostly sedentary, take time to stretch. Maintain good posture throughout the day, as hunching down interferes with your ability to breathe properly.
Find time to exercise, preferably in the morning. Even slow, regular walking removes tension from your body. Start out with five minutes a day, and build up to at least half an hour three times a week.
Notice what makes you feel tense. It may be long phone calls, working without sufficient breaks or driving with a bad attitude. Find ways to cut down on these situations or make them more pleasant when you can.
Learn relaxation techniques like yoga, self-hypnosis or Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Listen to soothing music CDs and books on tape.
Take warm baths before bedtime. This helps you fall asleep quickly and deeply. It's hard to feel relaxed when you are tired, and this definitely adds to tension during the day. Try to get to bed by 10:00 p.m. to support your body's circadian rhythm.