How to Cry Without People Knowing
Be as silent as possible. Letting sobs escape absolutely lets everyone know what you're doing. Pinch yourself, put a fist in your mouth, whatever it takes to make no noise.
Try to find a private place. Nothing gives you away more than tears running down your face. Find an empty conference room, a bathroom stall or a closet until you get yourself under control.
Look upwards. This helps to control the tears and helps get the attention off you. You can also wave your hands in front of your face and pretend you're feeling hot.
Deal with the damage to your face. Not many people cry without getting red cheeks, a shiny nose and bloodshot eyes. While crying, gently dab at the tears with a tissue. Avoid wiping, as this'll make your cheeks redder. Blow your nose softly to prevent redness. Afterwards, wash your face and take a few deep breaths. If possible, use eye drops to conceal your bloodshot eyes.
Smile and offer a rueful laugh if anyone notices you crying. This helps reassure the others your emotions aren't out of control and you won't be crying for very long.
Figure out another way to deal with the emotions. Many women cry for a variety of reasons, only one of which is sadness. If you're angry, give into the anger a little rather than crying. If you feel overwhelmed, take a break or find a private place to scream for five seconds. If you're feeling sick, acknowledge it and take a sick day.