How to Recognize Physical Symptoms of Stress
Be aware of irregular heartbeats and chest pain. Stress can make a preexisting cardiac problem worse. It also can cause panic attacks, which may cause a rapid heartbeat.
Understand common symptoms. Headaches and digestive problems are common physical symptoms of stress. Digestive problems may be in the form of stomach pain, nausea or diarrhea.
Monitor blood pressure. If you routinely have stress in your life, chronic high blood pressure may result. Your physician will check your blood pressure at a physical. Home blood pressure monitors can also be purchased at most drug stores.
Step on the scale. A physical sign of stress may include weight loss or weight gain. Some individuals may overeat when they feel stressed, others lose their appetite. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day without clothing.
Recognize sleep disturbances. Sleeping too much or even slight insomnia may be a physical symptom of stress. Stress may also result in nightmares. Constant worrying makes it difficult to get a good night's sleep.
Notice any breathing problems. Stress can make respiratory problems worse. For some individuals with asthma, stress can cause an asthma attack. Notice if you are breathing too fast or feel short of breath.
Take note of your energy level. Chronic stress makes everything in life more difficult. Fatigue may result. Stress-related depression and sleeping problems can contribute to fatigue.