How to Overcome Regret
Consider regret as an opportunity to learn. Face your mistakes and ask yourself what you could have done differently. Think about what causes you to do things that you regret and work on changing that behavior.
Let go of past mistakes. Forgive yourself and accept where you are today. Learn that there are things that can never be changed. Don't waste time worrying about things over which you have no control.
Assess the regrets that you are feeling, and rectify what you can. If your regret is based on something that you did to hurt another person, make amends. Clear the air and apologize to that person.
Break the pattern of dwelling on past mistakes by concentrating on what's happening in your life now. Eliminate the words "would have," could have" and "should have" from your vocabulary in order to overcome your regret more easily.
Think positively about your life and remind yourself that dwelling on the past is a waste of time.
Do things that will make you feel good about yourself and build your self-confidence. It's never too late for a fresh start.
Seek counseling or talk to somebody you trust, if your feelings of regret are out of control. Talking about feelings can often clarify them and make them much easier to deal with.