How to Ignore People
Use technology. A cell phone, MP3 player and PDA are wonderful gadgets for helping us look busy and keep us blocked off from the people around us. Any time you want to ignore people, just pick up one of your trusty gadgets and tune them out.
Look down. In the street, hallway or office if you don't hear someone calling your name you can't offend them by not answering. Walk around as though you have some major business to attend to at all times, and if you are ever accused of ignoring someone just say "Sorry I didn't hear you."
Turn away. Really pesky people that won't take your silence as a reason to stop talking need to be ignored. Just turn your head and act like you are enthralled in the graffiti on the building next to you. If turning away doesn't solve the problem, then walk away. Catch another bus or train to your destination and free yourself of annoyances.
Use body language. Crossed arms and legs are a clear sign that you are not open for conversation. Scowl at anyone who tries to sit near you and never smile. Giving the signs that you are not welcoming any attention will help you ignore people.
Be a snob. Simply turn a blind eye to all that goes on around you. This will allow you to ignore the people in your general vicinity, but also the entire world. Don't watch television, don't listen to the radio and ignore to your hearts content.