How to Identify a Quarterlife Crisis
Identifying the Crisis
Determine if you are quarterlife crisis candidate. The crisis typically occurs around the ages of 20-25. It may follow college graduation or come shortly after taking your first full time job.
Think about whether or not you feel lost after graduating college or starting your first job. Also, you may have no clue in which direction your life is going. Typically a quarterlife crisis is defined by a feeling of unfocused energy, procrastination or denial. Doubt is a particular indication of the crisis.
Determine whether you are more depressed, anxious or irritable than usual. Typically, twenty-somethings move back home after college or move to a different region. They may experience loneliness or anger at the loss of their college lifestyle.
Decide if you are experiencing an increased need to feel "alive", which is a symptom of the crisis. After graduating, you prolong your world traveling expedition or hop jobs frequently because nothing "sparks your passion" or "everything seems boring." Even if you cannot identify depression or anxiety, you feel as though you can not experience enough excitement. This behavior could indicate the denial phase of the crisis.
Solving the Quarterlife Crisis
Write down your concerns about pursuing your dream life. Decide if it will require more education, more time, more moving and more money.
Identify what resources you will need to pursue your dream. If you cannot narrow it down to just one thing, then find out what you will need to pursue all of them. Then realistically eliminate those things that do not fit your aptitude and move to the next most realistic alternative.
Determine ways to increase your social interaction. If a relationship or family is what you feel your life is missing, then make a list of ideal qualities for a life partner. Find ways to find a suitable mate.
Make a plan to follow your life passion. Visit your old college's career resource center or sign up for a pottery class if you desire to be an artisan. Whatever the case, make a plan to reach your end goal. If your goal is simply to get out of your emotional quagmire, visit a mental health professional to have them help you find yourself.