Effects of Ammonium Nitrate on Children
Ingesting chemicals and other household products is a common danger for children, especially young children as they often test their environment through taste. Ingestion of large amounts of ammonium nitrate causes gastrointestinal irritation in children and adults. The amount a child must ingest to become ill is much less than an adult. Children who ingest large amounts of ammonium nitrate experience cyanosis, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, nausea and vomiting. If ingestion of ammonium nitrate occurs, do not induce vomiting but wash out the mouth and give large amounts of water until medical attention is sought.
Inhalation of ammonium nitrate can have even more serious effects than ingestion and medical attention should be sought immediately. Children who inhale ammonium nitrate suffer from severe respiratory tract irritation, sore throat, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. In more serious cases, children experience cyanosis due to lack of oxygen in the blood, convulsions, labored breathing, rapid heart rate and death. Inhalation also causes methemoglobinemia, a chronic condition which results in dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, drowsiness and cyanosis. If a child is found to have inhaled ammonium nitrate, remove him from the area and seek medical attention.
Contact with Skin
Children who have direct skin contact with ammonium nitrate suffer symptoms redness, pain, and/or itching in the affected area. Prolonged contact with the chemical causes burning as well. Care should be taken to avoid direct skin contact with ammonium nitrate and protective equipment, such as gloves should be worn when working with or cleaning up ammonium nitrate. Contact with the eyes can cause severe irritation and goggles should be worn for protection. If a child is found to have come in direct contact with ammonium nitrate, remove and discard contaminated clothing and wash the affected area with plenty of water.
There are some precautions to help prevent children from being exposed to ammonium nitrate found in various household and outdoor products. Always store household products containing hazardous chemicals in a high cabinet that out of reach of children or in cabinets locked by safety latches. Keep hazardous gardening products with ammonium nitrate in a securely locked area and when working with these products, never leave them unattended in the presence of children.