What Are the Dangers of Raves?
Drug Use
According to College Binge Drinking, raves are dangerous because of widespread drug use. The drug of choice at raves is ecstasy, or MDMA. It's taken as a pill by mouth and produces feelings of increased energy, euphoria, emotional warmth and distortions in time, perception and tactile experiences, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Taking such a drug can lead to increased heart rates, twitching and slowed breathing. Ultimately, it could cause you to suffer a heart attack, stroke or convulsion. If you overdose on ecstasy, you could slip into a coma.
Heavy Drinking
In addition to drug use, raves are places where heavy drinking takes place. While binge drinking is dangerous and can be fatal on its own, it can be even more dangerous if alcohol is taken with drugs such as ecstasy. According to College Binge Drinking, mixing drugs with alcohol, or creating "drug cocktails," only increases the risk of danger. Additionally, raves aren't typically supervised, so if a partygoer falls to the floor, it could be minutes before someone notices and gets help. By then, it could be too late.
Lack of Security
Raves aren't supervised as bars and night clubs are. There are no bouncers or security to keep partygoers in order. This encourages reckless behavior. The lack of security also encourages criminal activity. Raves are popular among drug peddlers, sex offenders and those who want to fight and cause property damage. Rave promoters turn a blind eye to such activity, so long as people are in attendance and they're making money off the party.
Other Dangers
There are other various other things dangerous about raves. Since they often lack security, sex offenders will often try to slip "date rape" drugs into drinks. Promoters will also sell water, energy drinks and other liquids at raves to numb the effects of ecstasy and alcohol. The thinking behind this is that the longer ravers stay hydrated, the longer they'll stay at the party. But the longer ravers use drugs and drink alcohol, the more danger they're putting themselves in.