About Teen Gangs
Of the one million gang members across the country, approximately 40 percent are younger than 18. The majority of gang members are male --- 360,000 teen boys, compared with 32,000 teen girls. This trend continues among incarcerated gang members, of which only 15 percent are female. More than 90,000 teen males are in some type of detention center or work camp, and nine out of 10 of these boys is affiliated with a gang in some way. Hispanics have the highest percentage of gang members nationwide at 47 percent. African Americans comprise 31 percent of gangs and Caucasians account for 13 percent.
While rural areas and smaller cities are generally not hotbeds of gang activity, many rural areas experience gang-related activity. Statistics have shown that every city with a population of more than 250,000 has experienced gang activity. Approximately 86 percent of cities of more than 100,000 people have also reported gang activity.
Reasons Teens Join Gangs
Though gang members come from all financial brackets, typical members come from low-income families. Approximately 70 percent of gang members who have been incarcerated have either emotional disorders or learning disabilities. Some gang members come from broken homes and do not receive the attention they need at home, so they turn to a gang for support. Peer pressure can be a major contributor as well. Some teens are forced to join; if they don't, they face bodily harm or even death.
The types of crimes committed by gang members range from homicide and aggravated assault to robbery and burglary. While murders are committed by gang members, drug offenses and theft are typically more common. Gangs make money by selling drugs and stealing anything from money and cars to personal items. Gang member often commit violent crimes --- especially in areas where rival gangs come into contact.