Physical Activities for the Community
Neighborhood Events
Whether the neighborhood is picking up trash or organizing a chemical roundup of hazardous materials for disposal, cleaning up the community is a physical activity to benefit a group. A neighborhood can also organize a block party with games and events for children and seniors alike, or it could organize a car wash. Any neighborhood event requires teamwork; participants get involved and work together. Additionally, people must be outside and physically active to either do a cleanup or participate in events planned.
Recreational Events
A walk-to-school day or "moms and tots" play day at the park are examples of community recreational activities that get people moving. These can be small events organized by individuals or large events sponsored by churches or community service clubs. Community physical recreational activities might be fishing derbies, outdoor camps, tai chi in the park, yoga classes, water fitness classes and more. Organizing and maintaining a community garden helps those involved feel a part of a larger purpose and sustainable as a group.
Organized sporting events and teams are beneficial community activities. Youngsters might participate in T-ball teams or be attendees at the community softball tournament. Getting involved in sports teaches about teamwork, builds self-esteem and confidence and builds healthy habits. It also develops leadership skills and encourages effective social skills, according to Dr. Jordan D. Metzl, Director of the Sports medicine Institute for Young Athletes.
Civic Responsibility
Every community has those who are less fortunate than others, and community members who volunteer or help others generally feel good about what they have done. Food drives, walks or runs for a particular cause or outings for the developmentally disabled are examples of community physical activities with an added civic responsibility component. Work with organizations such as the Red Cross or American Heart Association to organize emergency preparedness or CPR trainings as a physical community events.