How to Make a Difference in Bully Prevention
Stop the gossiping game. No gossip is good. Although some gossip may be of truth, it can get twisted and the original story can change. It is likely that when a person shares gossip with you, then he will also gossip about you.
Say something nice to someone. It's always nice to hear a positive word. In most cases a positive attitude will get the same in return.
Spread friendship! Don't get limited to an elite crowd. Websters defines the word elite as a group of people considered to be the best in a particular society or category, especially because of their power, talent or wealth. In a nutshell, elite is an opinion of a group of people as defined by society. Don't set boundaries when it comes to being a friend.
Report any bullying that you witness. In most cases, this can be done anonymously. Ending the problem will start with one person taking a stand against it.
Offer kindness to everyone you meet. A victim of a bully can often be in a lonely, dark state of mind. Someone being kind could be the first step to helping them gain the strength they need to make it through the day.
Stop negative behaviors toward others. Negativity can quickly turn ugly, even if that wasn't the plan.
Find a bully support group in your area. The easiest way to do this is to search the Internet. If there is not a local group, start your own.