How to Politely Refuse to Shake Hands
The handshake has a long history. For instance, it was used in medieval times by knights to prove they were unarmed. The handshake is commonly used as a greeting and business gesture. Many people would consider it rude to avoid shaking hands with someone. However, shaking hands can also spread germs. In 2009, the emergence of the Swine Flu even led some schools and organizations to temporarily discourage or even ban handshaking. While you should consider the risk of offending people, there are tactful ways to decline your hand.Instructions
Decline a handshake if you have a cold. It is completely acceptable and polite to explain, "I have a cold and do not want you to get sick."
Substitute another type of greeting for the handshake. To be polite, you should not completely reject a person altogether. Therefore, smile and choose a greeting option such as a bow, bump, peace sign, nod or namaste.
Bow by clasping your hands together in front of your waist and slightly lower your head, neck, shoulders and back. Alternately, choose to use namaste instead of a handshake by holding your palms together in front of your chest and bowing. Namaste is a greeting used in India and often used by people who practice yoga.
Use a peace sign as an alternative by placing your hand in the air and making a "v" with your index and middle fingers.
Exchange the handshake with a bump by clenching your fist and tapping the other person's fist.