How to Donate Plasma in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Check to see that you are eligible to donate plasma. At the least, you should be over both 18 and 110lbs., not currently sick or suffering from allergies, have a valid ID and home address (a drivers license or state ID will fulfill both of these requirements).
Decide where to donate your plasma. The two main plasma donation centers in Eau Claire are the American Red Cross center and the BioLife plasma center.
Contact the center of your choice. The Red Cross Blood Center in Eau Claire may be called at (715) 835-4020, the BioLife Eau Clare center may be called at (715) 836-9496. Once you have called the center, ask any questions or state any concerns regarding your donation, and make an appointment.
Go to the donation center. The BioLife center is located at 1262 West Clairmont Avenue, the Red Cross Center is located at 3485 East Hamilton Avenue. You will likely have to undergo a physical so that the doctors know you are healthy enough to donate plasma. You may donate blood at this time or you may be asked to reschedule and come back on another day.
Schedule your next donation. Plasma donation is often done in two or more sessions, so you will probably be asked to come back the following day.