Tools for Nonverbal Communication
Timing and Pace
Timing and pace are tools for nonverbal communication that relate to how your words are spoken and how communication is taking place. A person speaking quickly may be rushed or may not be interested in what they are saying to you, while someone speaking slowly may be having trouble understanding what they are talking about, or may think that you do not understand or are not listening to them. Listening to the timing and pace of a conversation can tell you a lot about the meaning of the words.
Sounds That Convey Understanding
Sounds that convey understanding like "aha," and other similar sounds can let you know whether a person is listening. Such sounds also let you know whether the listener understands what you are saying. They can even give clues as to whether the listener is engaged in what you are talking about or disinterested. These sounds are not words, but they play a powerful role as tools in nonverbal communication.
Tone of Voice
One of the most important nonverbal communication tools is the tone used to convey a message. The tone can be quite important in determining what the relationship between the words and the person speaking them actually is. A disinterested tone can belie a stated interest in a subject, for example.
Eye Contact
Eye contact can tell you if your conversation partner is interested in the conversation or if his mind is elsewhere. Eye contact can also give you hints as to whether someone is lying to you about a particular subject. This is a particularly important tool for nonverbal communication, because it is one of the dominant forms of nonverbal communication. It is also one that is very basic and easy to make or understand by all parties.