Safety Tips During a Fire
Learn Evacuation Plans
Whether you're in a school, at work in an office building or at your own home, it is important to know what the evacuation plan is for that location. Buildings and schools should have evacuation plans posted throughout the structure. Office buildings and schools often have fire drills to keep people aware of the proper way to evacuate the area.
Make your own building evacuation plan for your home. Make note of all the windows and doors that lead out of the house. Place fire extinguishers in areas of the house that might be at risk to start a fire. Share this plan with your family, and conduct fire drills to practice.
Stay Calm
It does not do any good to go into panic mode when a fire alarm goes off. It is scary, but it is vital to stay calm. Remember the evacuation plan of the building, and follow the directions. If you come across someone who is panicking, help them. Take hold of their arm, tell them you're going to help them out, and keep moving.
Always Use the Stairs
Always use the stairs during a fire evacuation If you're in a multiple story building when a fire breaks out, avoid the elevators and escalators at all cost. Take the stairs, as this is safest during a fire evacuation. Fires can play havoc with the electricity; you could get trapped between floors if you are in an elevator. If the power goes out while you're on an escalator, you could be jolted forward and tumble down the escalator stairs.
Check Doors for Heat
If you're in a closed room when a fire breaks out, one way to escape fire safely is to feel the doorknob for heat before opening the door. You might not see any flames in the room you're in, but that doesn't mean there's no fire on the other side. Place the back of your hand lightly on the door or doorknob to see if it's hot. If it is hot, find an alternate way out of the room.
Stay Low in Smoky Rooms
If the room you are in becomes smoky, get as low as you can. Drop to your hands and knees and crawl out of the room. Smoke rises and accumulates near the ceiling or top part of the room. Stay near the floor to breathe easier. Take shallow breaths, and cover your nose and mouth to filter the smoke out.