Persuasive Health Speech Topics
Persuasive Health Speeches on Smoking
It is no secret to anyone, smoker or non-smoker, that smoking cigarettes is harmful to health in a vast myriad of ways. A speech about these effects that encourages individuals to stop smoking would be very persuasive in nature if the right facts are given. Make sure you include descriptions of a number of diseases that are directly linked to smoking, as well as facts about the number of American deaths linked to cigarettes per year in your persuasive speech.
Persuasive Health Speeches on Poor Eating Habits
While most Americans are well aware that proper dietary habits are extremely important for proper development and good health, childhood obesity and obesity-related diseases are still on the rise. While much fodder has been paid to the importance of eating well, a speech that graphically highlights the dangers of consuming to much saturated fat, sodium and sugar would be equally persuasive. Sometimes an approach that is more direct in nature, such as one that provides warning by focusing on the negative, can be more effective at persuading people to change their habits.
Persuasive Health Speeches on Tanning Beds
Unlike smoking and eating badly, the harmful effects of using tanning beds have only become highly publicized in recent years. Despite the information available on the potentially cancer-causing effects of over exposure to UV rays that tanning beds provide, usage of the machines is still popular amongst young people. An effective persuasive speech should feature a real-life testimonial from a young person coping with skin cancer as a direct result of using tanning beds, or perhaps some quotations from a parent who has lost a child to melanoma.
Persuasive Health Speeches on Substance Abuse
In America, substance abuse receives a great deal of public attention, especially within schools and organizations devoted to youth. However, most of the programs in place feature statistics and warnings about substance abuse while failing to educate people about the physical agony that accmpanies dependence. A speech about substance abuse that focused on the sometimes uncontrollable need that an addict has for his preferred substance and what the physical, economic and social consequences of those needs are would be very persuasive.